Monday, October 30, 2006

For Grandma and Grandpa

Sorry everyone who is not related. This is for Grandma and Grandpa. After a long wait we present you with..... Baby Spencer.... With accompaniment.. Note: for those who don't know Spencer plays that he is a baby and does this high pitched talk... Like a baby. We recorded this last night. Fun stuff for the fam. Other people may not appreciate home video though. Smiles to all.

Friday, October 27, 2006

supposed bad mother III

So here it is. I got told that I was a bad mother today. Literally said you are not doing it right. Megan has started doing this thing when she doesn't want to do something. Eat dinner, no my tummy hurts. Pick up my toys, no my tummy hurts. Hang up her coat, no my tummy hurts. Take a bath, no my tummy hurts. Well you get the picture. Anyway yesterday she said "mommy I don't want to go to school anymore, my tummy hurts." Oh boy. What happened? After much prying an prodding we found out she had to go to the "peace table" (aka timeout). Apparently someone was pushing her and they both had to work at the purple tables. Um yeah. I asked her teacher about it today and Manju said that Megan was fine yesterday, except she didn't like going outside to the play ground. She really doesn't like playing outside. What?!!! My daughter. We went after school to play at the park for 2 hours. She had a blast. Megan not wanting to play outside?!!! So I told them that maybe something was happening during their recess time that Megan wasn't liking either with the other kids or something. They said they would keep an eye out for her. I told them I mentioned it because Megan did the tummy thing for school. They looked at me and said "well maybe her tummy really hurts." duh thought of that. However had she not been doing that with EVERYTHING I Might have been a bit more considerate with the tummy thing. I've thought that maybe she just needed a bit more attention, reading , songs with mommy. Ummm no that lead to throw 'em down kick down screaming fits with her. I told the teacher so and she was ok with it. The thing is if you don't know Megan she could sell you a bill of goods with out blinking an eye and then rob you blind. The girl is seriously gifted. Anyway I got a call today from the school nurse saying Megan was complaining about a stomach ache. I went to pick her up and the nurse proceeds to tell me how I put her in school too early, I was a bad mother, that she needed to stay home with me and not go to school. Um I mentioned to the nurse that we put her in after careful consideration, deep thought and major contemplation. Did she care? Nope I'm a horrid mother. I mentioned that we've comtemplated keeping her home one day a week and were actually going to start next week with that. Did she listen, nope I'm a horrible mother. Wow. I don't know my own children. So after we exited the doors Megan asked if we could go play on the playground. I turned to her and said "I'm sorry honey, your tummy hurts we can't play today. We are going to go home, have lunch and take naps." She started screaming at me and actually I just looked at the clock she has been going for ummmm 1 hour and 10 minutes. This is with me trying to hold her, give her lunch, talk to her, show her her new costume... Um I finally gave up about 30 minutes ago and sent her to her room to take a nap. She's still going. We'll see how long it takes. We are in another royal fit day. On another note I lost my voice. The phone rang and I answered and couldn't talk. Fun huh? The funny thing is normally a day like this would make me cry but I'm just sitting here kind of detached thinking to myself this is such a bizarre day. seriously.


So I stopped to talk to Megan's teachers this morning. We were chatting and I looked down and noticed that Spencer had somthing white coming from the bottom of his pants. "Nice." I thought, "toilet paper, nice nerd boy". So not thinking anything about it I reach down and pulled on said white object. Ohhhhh it wasn't toilet paper. It was his underwear. I look down mortified that I just pulled his underwear out of his pants.... IN FRONT OF SAID TEACHERS. They lost it. They were laughing so hard that Manju had tears running down her face. Spencer looked at me and said "Hey mommy, those are my drawers." I was laughing, crying, turning beet red, and tried to explain that I've been having Spencer put his undies and pants back on after he uses the toilet by himself (he still has to be naked from the waist down when he goes). I then looked at the teachers who one of which was almost falling of her chair and said "I wonder if he's..." I then looked down my son's pants. Sure enough he was going comando. Yep that one is mine. And that memory is mine forever.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

oh yeah forgot to add

So I can't really buy Megan anymore pants to go with her high water jeans and pants that she is presently wearing due to the fact that I spent the money on getting her a bed. She has been sleeping on an inflatable matress for the umm.... past several months and I've been keeping my eye out on Craigslist (which I love by the way). So I found it. Twin over full bunk beds, they seriously take up over half of the kids room but hey. They came with matresses and everything. They are beautiful. As soon as I get a picture I will for right now I shall post the closest thing to them. They are VERY similar to this except the slats go horizontal. Notice the price when you look at the similar item.... $749 - $849 sale price... list price $999-119. not including mattresses. So you ask how much did you spend on these rather nice, in perfect condition bunk beds that included the mattresses? What was the asking price that I had to jump in the van and pray that everything fit because they were coming home with me even if I had to bend the full mattress in half (which I did)? I'll tell you $100. Yep that's right $100. Heck the mattresses alone are worth more than that. I am proud of my purchase. My daughter is no longer sleeping on the floor regardless of how short her pants are. As I said my mothering skills are improving. :-)

bad mommy part II

So I've mentioned earlier that Megan refuses to wear anything but skirts to school. As she again did yesterday. I really haven't been too concerned about it because it's been cold in the mornings but warms up nicely during the day. Ummm not so yesterday. The temperature dipped. So here my daughter is wearing her nice little skort ankle socks and mary janes to school. I did include a light jacket for her to wear in case it took longer warming up than expected. Knowing the days were getting colder, after dropping her off at school I went to target got her some knit tights, an insulated hat, everyday sweater and some gloves so that she could be warmer in subsequent days. But I digress, I just needed you to know that I'm not completely oblivious. Anyway, Yesterday rolls around. My daughter is wearing essentially shorts and a light jacket to school and it WAS FRIDGED!!! Yesterday, seriously down right cold. The temp dropped shortly after dropping Megan off and stayed low all day long. I have no idea what happened. To top it off I got the "you are a complete idiot" talk from the teacher. You know the kind "Um the weather is changing and Megan needs to wear warmer clothing." Apparently she was very cold at recess and they had to bring her in to change her clothes with the set we have there. Yes I am a bad mother. I must again note that I did manage to buy her some warmer stuff BEFORE I got the bad mother talk. Yes my daughter was quite warm going to school today. Because she still wanted to wear skirts/dresses we just stuck jeans on underneath and bundled her up. She was quite happy with herself. Now if only I didn't have the talk again from the teacher today becasue Megan was tired and I should make sure she gets enough sleep talk from the teacher I wouldn't be so bugged. *note: my daughter went to sleep around 7pm last night woke up with some nightmares around 11:00, 11:30 and midnight then slept until 7:30 this morning. It really wasn't my fault she was tired. But hey at least I'm getting better. I must say she even got a bath today before going to school.

Monday, October 23, 2006

a lot of catching up

This weekend Kevin was able to be home on Saturday. It was a really long week and we were all happy to have him home. The kids went wild when they realized that no, he was not at school but lying in bed yelling at them to join him. They jumped on him and gave him huge hugs and kisses. It was so cute. It was really nice to have him for a couple of hours before he started studying again. (he wanted to watch wonderpets so that he would know what Spencer was singing all day long it was pretty cute) He has a big exam tomorrow so we only got him for a couple of hours but they were sure nice. On a different note he got to participate in some interesting surgeries. I'm thrilled that he's doing something he likes. It's hard on the family, I won't lie, but we want him to be able to do what he wants and enjoys. Actually we've been doing really well we just kind of melted on Saturday. It's funny how that works. I was fine fine fine all week long and so were the kids then Kevin comes home on Saturday and we melt. It's like Oh man we missed this guy and realize just how much when he's actually home. It's like we go into machine mode when he's gone. We get things done, we survive, and we manage but we sure enjoy him being there. But when he comes home and talks about all the fun stuff he's doing it makes everything worth it. It's hard to explain. You want him to do the best thing that he'll enjoy the most no matter how hard it is for the family. And if he chooses something else because it's more condusive to family life I'll feel like I've failed him. I want him to see that we are in for the long haul. Megan has her first little school bug. She has a wicked little cough and was sneezing too. We kept her home from school today so that she can get a bit better before she heads back so she doesn't get everyone else sick. Her new favorite thing is to type on the computer. She does this at school so she loves seeing her name appear when she types it. Right now she is dressed in full princess mode sitting on the red lego tub pretending to be a mermaid. Soooooo cute. I tried to run for the camera and she jumped off. sad. Yesterday she went into the nursery to go get Spencer turned to Kate (the nursery leader) and extended her arm like she was a model on the price is right and said "what a beautiful nursery you have here." Wow, Kate and I lost it we were laughing so hard! Man, the things that come out of these little ones. Another Kate story under Spencer Spencer driven by the desire to type his name as well on the computer wants to learn his letters. Since that day I told him he needed to know his letters before I would let him type he's picked up 4 new letters. Wow incentive goes a long way. Sundays are also his favorite day because that's the day that he's allowed to go belly! Going belly means shirtless. He laughs and says in his cute little voice "look mommy! I've got a belly!" cute kid. The other night during his prayers he said "thank you for nursery and thank you for sister kate!" He sure likes her. Since she has become the nursery leader he is all about nursery where as before not so much. I was informed the other day that surgeons use a lot of micro techniques and the best practice for surgery is video games and the best video game system was playstation so we should save up so we can get one. Hee hee. Right that's going to happen real soon (note the extreme sarcasm)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

bad mommy very bad

So Spencer needed a hair cut a couple of days ago. In attempting to talk my son into not screaming because of clippers I told him that he had a big ball head and we needed to trim his hair so that it looked better. Well he took it to heart. He LOVES his big ball head now and loves referring to it. Last night as we were saying our prayers Spencer said "Thank you for my toes and thank you for my Big Ball Head." Yep. Thank you, I do what I can you can get up off the floor now.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


So I had the most embarrassing thing yet happen to me with the kids. I took the kids to play on the school "park" playground yesterday after picking Megan up. After a bit all the rest of the school let out and there were tons of other children running around. I decided to take my children to another park, one that had less large children running around. All the kids were up for the idea until we were actually leaving when Spencer started screaming bloody murder because he didn't' want to leave. Ummm he did this in front of 30 other parents. Yep, that's mine. He screamed as I grabbed his hand, screamed as I picked him up and hauled him under one arm, Sam under the other arm, backpack hanging on my elbow and coats linked through the sashes on the backpack. He screamed all the way down the road till we reach our van and the screamed while I loaded him into the van. He screamed all the way home. Nope, we didn't go to another park we went home and my son was put to bed, where he screamed for 10 minutes until he fell asleep for 2 hours.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Watching planes

So I've mentioned here about the Arlington Alert system. For those who dont' have it they were in high panic last week due to the flyovers of many f-16s and stealth bombers over the houses of Arlington. See in case you missed the news the Airforce Memorial was dedicated this past weekend and the planes were practicing all week long. I must say it was incredibly impressive to sit on our couch with 4 little toddlers waiting for another one to fly by. The kids were concerned that they were "bad planes" due to the noise level. I had to assure them that they were very very good and very cool planes. On Saturday I took the kids to see the flyovers at the dedication. We were right across the way from the pentagon and could see everything. I must say I had way more fun than the kids. Here are the picts. I was only able to find one of the planes that we saw. They were very very cool though. They came in low and seemed to be able to just drop on us where we were. I could imagine the feelings of the Europeans as they saw the B-52 bombers and the mustangs flying overhead as they went to go bomb people. Quite impressive it was. Tired of waiting for the planes Spencer decided to do his own one man air show. I must say he had everyone chuckling because of how cute he was running around in circles with his cute little airplane he brought. The kids were tired of waiting after the first initial planes. They decided to take naps while I watched facinated at the blank sky. Here the monkeys are playing hide and seek whiling away the time. The big building in the background is the Pentagon. To give you an idea we are on the exact opposide side of the Pentagon where the plane struck on Sept 11. You probably can't see the little blips in the sky that Spencer is pointing at. When the planes were overhead to look at them you had to look toward the sun and the kids refused to do that so they watched the blips. One of the coolest planes ever. Stealth bomber. This is a B-24 bomber. This was a very very cool plane to watch. My camera just didn't do it justice. The view we had of the plane was extremely clear and close. I don't know why my camera made it look like it was far away. It literally glided just above the trees were were standing under. Here's a good pict below this one of what it really looked like. I think I need a better digital camera.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

On being a Princess

Megan had reached the stage where she feels that she needs to wear skirts ALL the time. Today I put some khaki's on her with a polo and she hollered, oh how she hollered. She couldn't wear pants because she had to be a princess at school. She needed a skirt. Not having one readily available (meaning they all needed to be ironed or were dirty, she only has 3) I told her that they were all dirty. She pointed to the one she wore yesterday and said "No mommy, I was careful, that one's not dirty." I however being the materialistic individual that I am would not let her wear the same thing two days in a row. I know I know, why not? It was a jean skirt. I'll tell you why not because we go to a school where everyone else is extremely wealthy and my daughter is already on the outs because she doesn't ride the school bus to school like the "cool kids" (when did this change? When I grew up the cool kids were the ones that didn't ride the bus) and she doesn't have strawberry shortcake yogurt for lunches. I was not going to doom her to wearing the same outfit. Anywho, I found a skirt that didn't wasn't too wrinkled and slapped that on her with some tights and some tennis shoes voila dressed for school. I think I'm going to have to make an excursion for more skirts later today. That or do more laundry which probably isn't going to happen. It's ok. I remember wanting to wear skirts. My favorite was a red one that my grandma made for me. It had red polkadots. I could twirl in it. hee hee.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Just call me Mommy the Miracle worker. Megan woke up and started getting after Spencer who was swinging around his little baggie that he found on the table when he woke up. She thought he had her baggie. I looked at her and told her that no Spencer had his bag. She ran to go check and sure enough her little baggie of candy was right where she had left it. Her eyes were huge!!! I can see the thoughts runnign through her brain "I prayed that Spencer would get his baggie back and Mommy didn't help me with that prayer and he did it!" She was very excited to say the least. :-)

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The educating of Mommy

Today we had a great ward activity. It was a Mexican dinner with pinatas. The kids loved the pinatas. Anytime with candy is a treat for them, they usually don't get any, cake for breakfast yes when it's around but not candy. Tonight there were 2 pinatas. One with candy pieces for the older kids and one with baggies for the little kids. Megan was in hog heaven because the older kids didn't go under the tables for the littler pieces of candy. She was quite willing to do the work for the candy. She was so proud of herself. She'd keep coming up to show me her new addition to her stash and she kept coming back with more. She then realized Spencer didn't have any and then started taking pieces of candy over to where Spencer was sitting and shared with him. It was down right adorable to see this sweet little thing taking care of her brother. Then the trauma happened. After the last pinata burst a nice young man came by and gave Spencer a pkt of candy because he was sitting on the side lines just watching. This nice young man also made sure that 3 other little side liners got a pkt too. Spencer took his pkt and went to go find Megan so that he can show her his "new candy baggie". The next thing I know is Megan's standing next to Spencer patting him and he is bawling. Another "big kid" had come and pushed Spencer and took his little baggie away. I was horrified and when I tried to get the kid to give it back he took off running. I was ready to chase him down, tell his parents when this other little boy came up to me. He had seen Spencer bawling and said "Oh do you not have any candy? Here you can have mine." He emptied his pockets for Spencer. Spencer stopped crying said thank you to this sweetin little 7 year old child and went on his happy way. The jaded mother in me wanted to chase the other little kid down and thrash him but this sweet little child sure taught me a lesson. What would Jesus do? The other child that took the candy was only 5 (knowledge is power, I'm the primary secretary). Spencer was happy so I decided to leave it and go. Then tonight as we were saying our prayers sweet little Spencer did the thing that tears at a mommy's heart. The kids like help on their prayers, more for ideas, then they interject their own ideas and go off on their own. Well I started him off by saying "thank you for church" and I was peeking at him just because he's so darn cute with his little arms folded and he started his tangent He stuck out his lip, hunched his shoulders and said "Hevenwy Father I lost my candy baggie. Please help me get it back." ooooooooooo the poor thing. After his prayer we talked about how sometimes big boys don't do good things but it was ok because we are trying to be like Jesus and we can share the candy that we do have like the nice other little boy. They didn't understand why anyone would take things. It was incomprehensible to them. We talked about it for about 15 mintues after their prayers when I asked Spencer if he was happy with the candy the little boy gave him. He said yes. Megan was the one disturbed because we needed to go and get Spencer's candy for him because he didn't have a baggie. They slowly let the conversation go and I said my goodnights to them. After I closed the door I heard Megan praying again ("please bless my family that they won't get hurt and die" thank you public school "and please bless Spencer that he can get his baggie back"). The faith of a child is a blessed thing. side note: Spencer has a baggie of candy waiting for him when he wakes up on the table, no Megan would not have let it go. So does that other sweet little boy.

Friday, October 13, 2006


So I was just fixing the kids lunch. I brought it into the living room/dining room and looked down to see a huge pile of batting from my quilt on the floor. E who has been told repeatedly that he is not to touch, pull, swing and any other of manner of touching the quilt decided that it would be a great idea to pull all the batting that he could reach off the quilt while I was making lunch for him. I have gained my compusure. I was furious, still am, he is taking a nap for his own sake and I have to figure out how to import batting into the quilt without making it feel funny. sigh. kids. sniff. If you look at the picture of the quilt all the batting that you can see has been pulled off up to the first row of white sad, the pink was supposed to be the binding agent that brought untiy to the quilt and the backing. I can't just cut it short and off. Any suggestions?


We kept Megan home from school today. More of a mental health day for her. The poor thing is exhausted. I've been trying to get her to bed earlier, say in bed by 7 so she gets enough sleep but I work until then and if I'm going to get her in the bath I have to get EVERYONE in the bath which means that mothers of kids stay that much longer. We tried it a couple of months back and it ended up being that certain mothers would stay until 7:30, or until I was able to get everything going. It just didn't work. I'll try again next week. The problem arrises when I feed the kids dinner first, little E man will eat with them but he takes exponentially longer than the others to eat but will cry when I get the others in the bath at 6:30 and dont' put him in because his mother will be there any minute. Timing's a little tricky. I have to work that out. Anyway I've had to wake Megan up each day this week to go to school. Poor thing was just sleepy. Yesterday after school she just wanted to come home eat, brush her teeth and go to bed, right, after, school. Tuckered out. Anyway so I kept her home today. She seems to be enjoying it. She slept in until 7:45, about when I hopped into the shower. I came out of the shower to Megan and Spencer singing the Diego theme song. Not thinking anything of it (they usually sing songs) I went to my room to get dressed. I got dressed and walked into the living room. There is Spencer with the painter's tape trailing behing him trying to tape up Megan. He has the tape wrapped around her wrist and is holding the other end of it. Megan afraid that I might get after them for well getting into the utility closet jumped in with a explination "Mom, Spencer's Diego and I'm Dora, and that's Diego's rescue pack" With that she pointed to the tape. works for me. Ok Dieog and Dora have fun. I'm a sucker for imaginary play.

Monday, October 09, 2006

my quilt and my stands

Here's my quilt I'm making and my stands that Kevin made me.

my men

phone conversations

Kevin was talking on the phone with his parents last night while I was putting the kids to bed. He had them on speaker phone so it was fun to hear them during the routine. It was also fun to hear them suddenly grow silent when they heard Spencer and Megan singing "Teach me to walk in the light" as they get ready for bed. Then I asked Megan if she wanted Grandma to help her with her prayers. She loved the idea (I think grandma did too). So Kevin held the phone up close to Megan and Grandma helped her with her prayers. Spencer waited quietly, thrilled and waited for his turn with his arms folded. Then he got his turn. It was cute to see their little faces lit up by the light of the cell phone. Must say it was something we will be asked to redo tonight when we get them to bed. I can just hear it now "brush teeth, drink water, sing songs, then prayers with grandma?" maybe on Sundays. It's my favorite time of day... and no not just because they are going to bed, we sing songs because and no matter how frustrated I am or wound up they are the primary songs calm everyone and we go to bed happy. The kids can be in terrible moods or very upset about something but once those songs get going everything is calm and they are at their cutest. So I will keep my nights, Grandma we'll call you on Sunday night for prayers with grandma.


I love squash. I must say the lovely colors of the peel/husk/shell, whatever you want to call it, the flavors and well the cooking. I bought some butternut squash Saturday and set to work creating in my kitchen. OOOOOOHHHH the love. I made a wonderful butternut squash and leek soup. It was heavenly, especially since the day was wet and cold. I was able to sit and curl up and eat my soup, which Megan refused but Spencer loved. Spencer also partook of my lovely creation. After putting most of the soup away in the fridge for another day I gave him the pot with the drippings. He is my son. Yep that he is. He sat there and proceeded to eat a half a loaf of bread by dipping it into the soup (which his dad had been doing previously). Oh yes, a complete half loaf of bread. Did I mention it was good? Today we are doing acorn squash (learned from a friend in college, halved, roasted buttered and brown sugared.... yummm)

Sunday, October 08, 2006

How cute is too cute?

So today I was holding a little baby girl. She was down right adorable. Seriously, she liked me a ton and was cooing away at me. Just when I thought it couldn't get any cuter Spencer comes along and says "Mommy, I want to be a daddy please." Translation: Can I hold the baby? So I had him sit down and he got to hold the baby. The baby girl LOVED it. She immediately started cooing at Spencer and leaned in to hug him and started sucking on his cheek to "kiss" him. All the time Spencer just giggled and loved it. After that Spencer went to go play and every time he came near this little baby girl would just follow him with her eyes and coo for him to come hold her. Which of cours he obliged and so it went for the next 30 mintues. Each time Spencer asked "Mommy, I want to be a daddy."

Friday, October 06, 2006

house hungry

So I got house hungry. When I do I keep looking at the house I grew up in. Want to see it? Want to buy it? You can buy it and give it to me for Christmas!!! I would love that. Here it is. Although I must say mom, the granite counter tops and fridge are stellar. I hadn't seen them before. love it.

the bubble has burst!!!!

Yipee horray! OK not good for all those who already have houses however for those of us who don't this is a good thing. Hopefully it will still be down by the time we get to buy a house. The houses around here were obsurdly prices. However just for fun I was looking at and found lots of houses in great neighborhoods for under $600,000. OK most of us are saying what?! that much. Here in the DC area it's incredible. Most of those houses would sell for over $1,000,000 just last year. This is soooooo making me house hungry.

ice cream

I went to the Relief Society opening social last night. We call it the opening social because our ward has so many new people that come into our ward during the summer and then many students and wives during the fall that the opening social takes place in October. There were a lot of people there but my favorite was my Jeanie. I sure had fun with her. We talked and laughed and it was just grand. Anywho, we had ice cream sundaes. We are talking about decked out sundaes. There were literally 31 flavors to choose from (I picke one scoop of chocolate fudge and one of raspberry ripple) bannanas, candy to put on top, brownines and chocolate fudge, cherries and whip cream for the top. I had two smallish scoops then smothered it with bananasa, one brownie, I skipped the candy because well I didn't want to... I don't know what I wanted just not candy. I then added hot fudge whip cream and a cherry. pretty tame if I do say so myself. I apparently haven't had this rich goodness in a bit. It was sooo sweet that I made myself sick. Yes it was a sad first for me. Normally you could call me Lorelai Gilmore in my fortitude for eating, but I got sick last night. It was an end to an era. How sad for me. I got sick eating ice cream. sad just sad.

Monday, October 02, 2006


How cool is it that my daughter was reading her books on the couch and singing to Lenny Kravitz at the same time. Seriously, couldn't be much cooler than that.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

beautiful bellies

Is it bad when you don't even bat an eye at having your child run by you in nothing but undies... to be followed by her brother in nothing but undies.... 5 minutes before guests are due to arrive? I swear they were dressed last time I saw them. Yep their clothes are even on the living room floor still. You know what? I don't care. They want to go in their cute underweared tushies let them (my mom is secretly dying... sorry mom). I've just asked them to put their clothes back on and they said "No mom, baby spencer is sick and needs to lie in bed. He's sad because he misses his grandma and grandpa" (no I am not kissing up mom this is seriously what she said) undies babies for me all the way!!!

So hairyshoefairy tagged me. I was reading her tag then without even thinking about looking at who she tagged I went on to read another blog... Hahahhaa. Here I am reading this other blog when it registered that my name was on hairyshoefairy's post. What? Hmm? I went back and sure enough there I am. Hee hee. funny how our brains retain things and then process them a bit after they are initially registered. What do you like most about where you live? The proximity to EVERYTHING. I can literally walk down the street and see the Washington Monument. I can also walk down the street to the grocery store and the library and I'm withing walking distance of 5 different parks. I can drive for a whole 6 minutes in traffic and be at my daughter's school, which is really good when I'm moving a bit slowly in the morning and we're running late. I also love the trees. Everything is green and living (without having to work on it, which is good considering I tend to kill all living plants that are actually cultivated) and Arlington works hard to keep the city beautiful. The streets and homes are lovely too. I just love the colonial style homes that are here in abundance. What's one of your all time favorite music albums and why? ooooo hard one. It's hard because I like the ways bands sound so I'll list my bands. I love anything by Better than Ezra, why? I couldn't say except I love their songs. I always end up singing thumping (thumping is what you do in the car while a really great song is on the radio, you know strumming the guitar with your fingers and playing the drumss... you know thumping). I mean seriously how can you not start dancing and singing to "oa oa oa oa oa oa oa oa oa oa juicy.... oa oa oa oa oa oa oa oa oa oa juicy". Click on Juicy It's one of my new favs. Also anything by Cake, I mean who can redo really old songs and just make them cool like Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps by Doris Day or I will survive by our dear Gloria Gaynor at the same time having very catchy newer songs (if any of you love me and want to buy me a great Christmas present cds or mp3 players so I can play my downloaded songs are welcome from these bands). I also really like how the Killers sound. Did you have a passion for something as a kid that you still have now? Does making a mess count? I love being creative. My mom tells a story how I couldn't learn to cross-stich because I was too free form. It seems to be the story of my life. I love working outside the box. Seriously I love going above and beyond in anythign I do. It's exhausting but hey that's me. I love anything artsy. yep that's me but if I have to follow rules with my artsy stuff forget it. I like free form artsy. What do you like most about having a blog? keeping in touch with my siblings. We aren't the greatest at it. I mean the calling each other, emailing thing but this way we can see what's up with each other and talk way more often because we know what's going on in eachothers lives. I also get to "meet" really cool people that I've enjoyed getting to know via their blogs (yes I'm sooooooo tagging you guys, actually I already knew Dave but it's fun to catch up with what you're up to). Who am I tagging? Tracy, Calandria, Athena, Montse and Dave