Friday, October 06, 2006

ice cream

I went to the Relief Society opening social last night. We call it the opening social because our ward has so many new people that come into our ward during the summer and then many students and wives during the fall that the opening social takes place in October. There were a lot of people there but my favorite was my Jeanie. I sure had fun with her. We talked and laughed and it was just grand. Anywho, we had ice cream sundaes. We are talking about decked out sundaes. There were literally 31 flavors to choose from (I picke one scoop of chocolate fudge and one of raspberry ripple) bannanas, candy to put on top, brownines and chocolate fudge, cherries and whip cream for the top. I had two smallish scoops then smothered it with bananasa, one brownie, I skipped the candy because well I didn't want to... I don't know what I wanted just not candy. I then added hot fudge whip cream and a cherry. pretty tame if I do say so myself. I apparently haven't had this rich goodness in a bit. It was sooo sweet that I made myself sick. Yes it was a sad first for me. Normally you could call me Lorelai Gilmore in my fortitude for eating, but I got sick last night. It was an end to an era. How sad for me. I got sick eating ice cream. sad just sad.


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