Saturday, October 14, 2006

The educating of Mommy

Today we had a great ward activity. It was a Mexican dinner with pinatas. The kids loved the pinatas. Anytime with candy is a treat for them, they usually don't get any, cake for breakfast yes when it's around but not candy. Tonight there were 2 pinatas. One with candy pieces for the older kids and one with baggies for the little kids. Megan was in hog heaven because the older kids didn't go under the tables for the littler pieces of candy. She was quite willing to do the work for the candy. She was so proud of herself. She'd keep coming up to show me her new addition to her stash and she kept coming back with more. She then realized Spencer didn't have any and then started taking pieces of candy over to where Spencer was sitting and shared with him. It was down right adorable to see this sweet little thing taking care of her brother. Then the trauma happened. After the last pinata burst a nice young man came by and gave Spencer a pkt of candy because he was sitting on the side lines just watching. This nice young man also made sure that 3 other little side liners got a pkt too. Spencer took his pkt and went to go find Megan so that he can show her his "new candy baggie". The next thing I know is Megan's standing next to Spencer patting him and he is bawling. Another "big kid" had come and pushed Spencer and took his little baggie away. I was horrified and when I tried to get the kid to give it back he took off running. I was ready to chase him down, tell his parents when this other little boy came up to me. He had seen Spencer bawling and said "Oh do you not have any candy? Here you can have mine." He emptied his pockets for Spencer. Spencer stopped crying said thank you to this sweetin little 7 year old child and went on his happy way. The jaded mother in me wanted to chase the other little kid down and thrash him but this sweet little child sure taught me a lesson. What would Jesus do? The other child that took the candy was only 5 (knowledge is power, I'm the primary secretary). Spencer was happy so I decided to leave it and go. Then tonight as we were saying our prayers sweet little Spencer did the thing that tears at a mommy's heart. The kids like help on their prayers, more for ideas, then they interject their own ideas and go off on their own. Well I started him off by saying "thank you for church" and I was peeking at him just because he's so darn cute with his little arms folded and he started his tangent He stuck out his lip, hunched his shoulders and said "Hevenwy Father I lost my candy baggie. Please help me get it back." ooooooooooo the poor thing. After his prayer we talked about how sometimes big boys don't do good things but it was ok because we are trying to be like Jesus and we can share the candy that we do have like the nice other little boy. They didn't understand why anyone would take things. It was incomprehensible to them. We talked about it for about 15 mintues after their prayers when I asked Spencer if he was happy with the candy the little boy gave him. He said yes. Megan was the one disturbed because we needed to go and get Spencer's candy for him because he didn't have a baggie. They slowly let the conversation go and I said my goodnights to them. After I closed the door I heard Megan praying again ("please bless my family that they won't get hurt and die" thank you public school "and please bless Spencer that he can get his baggie back"). The faith of a child is a blessed thing. side note: Spencer has a baggie of candy waiting for him when he wakes up on the table, no Megan would not have let it go. So does that other sweet little boy.


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