Friday, October 27, 2006

supposed bad mother III

So here it is. I got told that I was a bad mother today. Literally said you are not doing it right. Megan has started doing this thing when she doesn't want to do something. Eat dinner, no my tummy hurts. Pick up my toys, no my tummy hurts. Hang up her coat, no my tummy hurts. Take a bath, no my tummy hurts. Well you get the picture. Anyway yesterday she said "mommy I don't want to go to school anymore, my tummy hurts." Oh boy. What happened? After much prying an prodding we found out she had to go to the "peace table" (aka timeout). Apparently someone was pushing her and they both had to work at the purple tables. Um yeah. I asked her teacher about it today and Manju said that Megan was fine yesterday, except she didn't like going outside to the play ground. She really doesn't like playing outside. What?!!! My daughter. We went after school to play at the park for 2 hours. She had a blast. Megan not wanting to play outside?!!! So I told them that maybe something was happening during their recess time that Megan wasn't liking either with the other kids or something. They said they would keep an eye out for her. I told them I mentioned it because Megan did the tummy thing for school. They looked at me and said "well maybe her tummy really hurts." duh thought of that. However had she not been doing that with EVERYTHING I Might have been a bit more considerate with the tummy thing. I've thought that maybe she just needed a bit more attention, reading , songs with mommy. Ummm no that lead to throw 'em down kick down screaming fits with her. I told the teacher so and she was ok with it. The thing is if you don't know Megan she could sell you a bill of goods with out blinking an eye and then rob you blind. The girl is seriously gifted. Anyway I got a call today from the school nurse saying Megan was complaining about a stomach ache. I went to pick her up and the nurse proceeds to tell me how I put her in school too early, I was a bad mother, that she needed to stay home with me and not go to school. Um I mentioned to the nurse that we put her in after careful consideration, deep thought and major contemplation. Did she care? Nope I'm a horrid mother. I mentioned that we've comtemplated keeping her home one day a week and were actually going to start next week with that. Did she listen, nope I'm a horrible mother. Wow. I don't know my own children. So after we exited the doors Megan asked if we could go play on the playground. I turned to her and said "I'm sorry honey, your tummy hurts we can't play today. We are going to go home, have lunch and take naps." She started screaming at me and actually I just looked at the clock she has been going for ummmm 1 hour and 10 minutes. This is with me trying to hold her, give her lunch, talk to her, show her her new costume... Um I finally gave up about 30 minutes ago and sent her to her room to take a nap. She's still going. We'll see how long it takes. We are in another royal fit day. On another note I lost my voice. The phone rang and I answered and couldn't talk. Fun huh? The funny thing is normally a day like this would make me cry but I'm just sitting here kind of detached thinking to myself this is such a bizarre day. seriously.


At 10/27/2006 04:14:00 PM, Blogger Rebecca Mongrain said...

How frustrating! I don't have children but I can imagine that at times they are trying and to have someone tell you that you suck at your job of being a mom probably doesn't help with the whole situation. Just remember that you care a lot for your daughter and therefore just by doing that are a great Mom. It sounds like you are a good Mom with your actions too!

At 10/28/2006 09:53:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a terrible school nurse! i can't stand these snap judgments where people assume they know more about your kids than you do. aargh.

At 10/28/2006 10:02:00 AM, Blogger andalucy said...

Unfortunately sometimes you run across these "omniscient" types at school. Similar things have happened to me.

Not that I know anything, but it sounds to me like you are doing just fine.

Incidentally, my stomach used to hurt a lot in Kinder and first grade. My teachers were really bad. They were both these menopausal women who yelled a lot, and one even used to break down and cry in the classroom. Anyway, my stomach always hurt before school and during. After school I felt perfectly fine.

I'm not AT ALL saying that that's what going on here. It sounds more like she is using that to get out of doing something she doesn't particularly want to do. My sister used to do that. We still tease her about it. ;-)

At 10/31/2006 11:21:00 AM, Blogger Chrissie said...

Kids! Don't you just feel like putting them up for adoption some days?! LOL

No advice (except everyone (EVERYONE) has days like this with their kids. Even in Britain! And this too shall pass).

Chrissie xx


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