Monday, November 13, 2006

the red crayon revisited

So I was extremely happy with myself. I had used money we had been saving for a tv to restock Kevin's closet due to the face wash incident. I then spent the rest of the money we had saved for a tv and got him a playstation instead. We bought what we needed and still had the money to spend on something fun although granted it wasnt' the tv we were planning on . Kevin's closet needs were handled so I bought the ps2 We have had fun with our little toy. Lots of fun. Sigh. Lots and lots of fun. I went to iron Kevin's shirts (the ones that had not perished) to find little red spots EVERYWHERE! Ack! Blood was my first thought. Kevin! Why are your shirts covered in blood?! And why did they come home! Ick and double Ick. Alas that was not the case. Red crayon. Yep you know the story of the red crayon in the wash. Oh yeah. Several of Kevin's shirts found their way into that batch and I hadn't noticed yet because the spots are small albeit noticable. I took acetone to the shirt and only salvaged 1 out of 4 shirts. It just didn't work on some of the shirts. Sniff. sad sad world.


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