bad mommy part II
So I've mentioned earlier that Megan refuses to wear anything but skirts to school. As she again did yesterday. I really haven't been too concerned about it because it's been cold in the mornings but warms up nicely during the day. Ummm not so yesterday. The temperature dipped. So here my daughter is wearing her nice little skort ankle socks and mary janes to school. I did include a light jacket for her to wear in case it took longer warming up than expected. Knowing the days were getting colder, after dropping her off at school I went to target got her some knit tights, an insulated hat, everyday sweater and some gloves so that she could be warmer in subsequent days. But I digress, I just needed you to know that I'm not completely oblivious. Anyway, Yesterday rolls around. My daughter is wearing essentially shorts and a light jacket to school and it WAS FRIDGED!!! Yesterday, seriously down right cold. The temp dropped shortly after dropping Megan off and stayed low all day long. I have no idea what happened. To top it off I got the "you are a complete idiot" talk from the teacher. You know the kind "Um the weather is changing and Megan needs to wear warmer clothing." Apparently she was very cold at recess and they had to bring her in to change her clothes with the set we have there. Yes I am a bad mother. I must again note that I did manage to buy her some warmer stuff BEFORE I got the bad mother talk. Yes my daughter was quite warm going to school today. Because she still wanted to wear skirts/dresses we just stuck jeans on underneath and bundled her up. She was quite happy with herself. Now if only I didn't have the talk again from the teacher today becasue Megan was tired and I should make sure she gets enough sleep talk from the teacher I wouldn't be so bugged. *note: my daughter went to sleep around 7pm last night woke up with some nightmares around 11:00, 11:30 and midnight then slept until 7:30 this morning. It really wasn't my fault she was tired. But hey at least I'm getting better. I must say she even got a bath today before going to school.
She looks adorable! And you are NOT a bad mother. But it is good to know the teachers are looking out for all the kids and notice what they need.
Yes, that's a very cute picture! And don't worry about the "bad mommy" talks. WE know differently.
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