Friday, October 13, 2006


We kept Megan home from school today. More of a mental health day for her. The poor thing is exhausted. I've been trying to get her to bed earlier, say in bed by 7 so she gets enough sleep but I work until then and if I'm going to get her in the bath I have to get EVERYONE in the bath which means that mothers of kids stay that much longer. We tried it a couple of months back and it ended up being that certain mothers would stay until 7:30, or until I was able to get everything going. It just didn't work. I'll try again next week. The problem arrises when I feed the kids dinner first, little E man will eat with them but he takes exponentially longer than the others to eat but will cry when I get the others in the bath at 6:30 and dont' put him in because his mother will be there any minute. Timing's a little tricky. I have to work that out. Anyway I've had to wake Megan up each day this week to go to school. Poor thing was just sleepy. Yesterday after school she just wanted to come home eat, brush her teeth and go to bed, right, after, school. Tuckered out. Anyway so I kept her home today. She seems to be enjoying it. She slept in until 7:45, about when I hopped into the shower. I came out of the shower to Megan and Spencer singing the Diego theme song. Not thinking anything of it (they usually sing songs) I went to my room to get dressed. I got dressed and walked into the living room. There is Spencer with the painter's tape trailing behing him trying to tape up Megan. He has the tape wrapped around her wrist and is holding the other end of it. Megan afraid that I might get after them for well getting into the utility closet jumped in with a explination "Mom, Spencer's Diego and I'm Dora, and that's Diego's rescue pack" With that she pointed to the tape. works for me. Ok Dieog and Dora have fun. I'm a sucker for imaginary play.


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