Sunday, November 05, 2006

Following the Plan

So apparently I have a lot to say this evening and Kevin is busy so I will post my day. Today I couldn't withstand, I couldn't hold back, I spoke, out loud. Sigh. I failed miserably. You see I am a very outspoken person. *what no? gasp Me? you say* Yes, sad to admit it I am. Well, at least in large groups I prefer to hold my tongue. Actually it's more of if it looks like things are going well without me I'll give them their head if not I can't stand it and will take over the situation. This goes with pretty much everything. Don't like sitting around, I'll organize something. People can't make a decision? I'll make it for them. People can't say what's going on, I'll verbalize it. Except at church. Why church you say? Well because I am the Primary secretary. If I did start talking I would be afraid of overpowering the presidency with my um... how to put this delicatley force of presense? Yes I'm afraid of taking over the show. It's not my place so I just do the paper work. Occationally I'll try to slip in a suggestion but I try not to because well it's their calling and they have the stewardship over the Primary (kids organization at church). Well today I failed. Badly I might add. Yesterday as well. Sad, I couldn't help it. I took over. I am ashamed. I am telling my side of the story before I call and apologize to the presidency so here it goes. I hate a poorly executed plan. I am more of a we have a plan, the plan is working, let's stick to the plan type of person (STOP LAUGHING MOM AND DAD AND MONTSE! I really am. really, the rest of you believe me right?). I've become more of such a person since teaching 7th graders for 3 years. Man if that doesn't make you stick to a plan nothing will. So I digress here's what happened. We were practicing for the Primary Program today. This was the final run through and I was in charge of sound (meaning miking the joint). Now you see I have NEVER ever set up mikes for anything in my whole life and all of a sudden here I am in charge of a crucial piece of equipment. Needless to say I did a superb job and the sound was just lovely (I must add that I had the opportunity to disrupt the Elders Quarum not once, not twice but three times just for sound checks, that was really fun because the men didn't think I could get it together. It sure sounded better than anything they've ever done before for us. hee hee). Anyway, our chorister is Betsy. This chicka is 25 and an EVENT PLANNER. I mean serious event planner. She is the COOLEST and if my brothers would get it in gear they should come out and marry this little lassie. Anyway I digress again. Betsy's first event that she planned professionally was the March of Dimes banquet. Her latest the Capital 4th of July. You know the one on TV broadcast throughout the nation, the one that had Elmo this past year. Well that's Betsy. It's all her. She planned it and executed it. She even ran the evacuation from DC when it started raining and the Secret Service or the NSF or something called an evac of DC that night. Yep that was Betsy. Well she's running the show. So when I say that things were WELL PLANNED AND THOUGHT OUT you get the idea. Well people started having different opinions and changing the plan. They wanted kids over here. Sing in a different order. Teachers didn't want to do it that way, the kids needed to sit in order and in certain places even though because they had to weave through chairs they would be out of order when they got to the pulpit and even though this was the last run through certain teachers were going to express their opinion even though they couldn't make it to the first run through yesterday when we had time to make changes.. yadayadayada. You see how it was going. It finally got to the point where people were just griping and not listening to Besty, nor Monica (the president). We have a couple of preggo teachers who people have been tiptoeing around. Anywhooooo so it just started escalating. Having been around LOTS of people and situations I can read people really well. I tend to peg when people have an opinion and start getting upset. I went into "teacher, loud outspoken, handle the situation mode". I avoid this state as much as possible but I couldn't take it anymore. I started talking to each teacher, individually then made the changes (running them by the leadership of course.... what they didn't know, or actually they did know is I made things go back to the original plan) Kids started acting up because they saw some adults commenting and I gave them my teacher stare. They got noisy and they got me. Someone decided to try to change the plan and they got me. On top of all that I solved problems! Go me! I did a little McGyvering on the chairs so they didn't pop up, causing less things for the kids to play with. I must say I just flew into a whirlwind. In rereading this I sound like I'm bragging. I am so not, I'm just trying to give you the picture of what I ended up doing and why I usually avoid doing this stuff. I take over. I mean really take over. I mean there is no room for confrontation, forget what you were going to say because you will not get a chance to say it here, it's my way or the high way, got a problem here's your solution take it or leave in your face kind of me. It's the me I don't like being but in a way I totally get a rush when I take over type of person. It's the A type obsesive part of me coming out. I usually hate that part of me and I try to repress that part as much as possible, I failed today. Miserably. I guess on a high note I did get a rush out of the situation, people at church know how much I have been holding my tongue while there and I made Betsy and Monica happy because I put their plan back on track. (Note: had Betsy been at work and not at chruch she would have been the one getting the train back on track, it's funny the different types of people we become when at church). Another Note: I think I made Monica like me a whole lot more. Hee hee I like that woman.


At 11/09/2006 07:03:00 PM, Blogger Chrissie said...

Oh my heavens you are so like me. Even if I've gone in with Daughter to primary because she's feeling clingy that day, I still start giving kids 'the stare' when they act up. Can't help it. It's in me and will be forever.

I am. Indeed. An old bossy boots.

But we of course like to think of it as, "an organiser", "a planner" "an old bossy boots" (what the did THAT description creep back in there?)



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