a lot of catching up
This weekend Kevin was able to be home on Saturday. It was a really long week and we were all happy to have him home. The kids went wild when they realized that no, he was not at school but lying in bed yelling at them to join him. They jumped on him and gave him huge hugs and kisses. It was so cute. It was really nice to have him for a couple of hours before he started studying again. (he wanted to watch wonderpets so that he would know what Spencer was singing all day long it was pretty cute) He has a big exam tomorrow so we only got him for a couple of hours but they were sure nice. On a different note he got to participate in some interesting surgeries. I'm thrilled that he's doing something he likes. It's hard on the family, I won't lie, but we want him to be able to do what he wants and enjoys. Actually we've been doing really well we just kind of melted on Saturday. It's funny how that works. I was fine fine fine all week long and so were the kids then Kevin comes home on Saturday and we melt. It's like Oh man we missed this guy and realize just how much when he's actually home. It's like we go into machine mode when he's gone. We get things done, we survive, and we manage but we sure enjoy him being there. But when he comes home and talks about all the fun stuff he's doing it makes everything worth it. It's hard to explain. You want him to do the best thing that he'll enjoy the most no matter how hard it is for the family. And if he chooses something else because it's more condusive to family life I'll feel like I've failed him. I want him to see that we are in for the long haul. Megan has her first little school bug. She has a wicked little cough and was sneezing too. We kept her home from school today so that she can get a bit better before she heads back so she doesn't get everyone else sick. Her new favorite thing is to type on the computer. She does this at school so she loves seeing her name appear when she types it. Right now she is dressed in full princess mode sitting on the red lego tub pretending to be a mermaid. Soooooo cute. I tried to run for the camera and she jumped off. sad. Yesterday she went into the nursery to go get Spencer turned to Kate (the nursery leader) and extended her arm like she was a model on the price is right and said "what a beautiful nursery you have here." Wow, Kate and I lost it we were laughing so hard! Man, the things that come out of these little ones. Another Kate story under Spencer Spencer driven by the desire to type his name as well on the computer wants to learn his letters. Since that day I told him he needed to know his letters before I would let him type he's picked up 4 new letters. Wow incentive goes a long way. Sundays are also his favorite day because that's the day that he's allowed to go belly! Going belly means shirtless. He laughs and says in his cute little voice "look mommy! I've got a belly!" cute kid. The other night during his prayers he said "thank you for nursery and thank you for sister kate!" He sure likes her. Since she has become the nursery leader he is all about nursery where as before not so much. I was informed the other day that surgeons use a lot of micro techniques and the best practice for surgery is video games and the best video game system was playstation so we should save up so we can get one. Hee hee. Right that's going to happen real soon (note the extreme sarcasm)
I have to say the "surgeons use a lot of micro techniques" ploy to get a guilt free Playstation is quite the lamest excuse I've ever heard.
Men. "Woo woo"
TOOOOOOOO funny!!!!
ROLF!! Woo Woo!!!! I thought it was very creative. hee hee!!! The things we do for love! woo woo!
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