Kite festival
So I love living near DC. If you walk 30 ft down the road on a clear day from our house you can see the Washington Monument. It is 4.1 miles from our house. :-) Well Yesterday officially started of the cherry blossom festival here in the Nation's Capital. The fun always begins with a kite festival. This is where everyone takes their kites down to the National Mall and flies thier kite. It was such a fun outing. We decided to make it an experience for the kids so we also visited the dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum. We also decided to cap the experience by riding the "trains" (metro) to and from DC. We had a riot of a time. It was so wonderful! The Cherry blossoms weren't out yet (they are supposed to appear this week) but it didn't matter. The kids were so amazed at actually seeing a train. There was one metro that passed by but didn't stop for passengers. It did however honk as it went through the terminal. Spencer loved that and was doing the whole trucker honking sign. Megan was just amazed at seeing a "too loud" train. It was a blast. Then we actually go to the Mall. It was so much fun to see the little kids flying the kites and people just picnicing around. We then went to the museum and Megan and Spencer were just awed by the dinosaurs. Poor little Spencer kept putting his hand to his chest like he was holding his heart and saying "I scared". Poor thing. although he couldn't get enough. Megan just ate everything up. As we left the museum we joined some friends up at the Washington Monument. That's where everything was really happening. There were so many more kites up that way and you could see everything. I haven't decided what to post so I'm posting it all. Here are all our fun picts. Enjoy! If you want to come visit DC I recommend Cherry Blossom Festival time. It is by far the best time. We'll be heading downtown later this week to take pictures of the cherry blossoms. :-) Until then these will have to suffice. Checking out the dinosaurs. Yes my children were going "roar".
The kids and I in the rotunda at the Museum of natural History. Right behind and to the left is a grey lump. That is the huge elephant that stands in the rotunda. Also don't I look pretty? Hee hee. I wonder where the kids get it from ;-) This is one of the best all time picts of me. So I'm proud of it. I'm not very photogenic so I was thrilled to have a good one of me and the kids. And yes I am wonderwoman able to hold huge toddlers for many hours. I have biceps of steel! A Picnic on the mall. In the background is "The Castle". This is the original Smithsonian Museum and is now the headquarters fro Chinese artifacts.
The Washington monument. If you look closely you can see some kites. I love the flags. I get choked up everytime I see this site. :-)
This is the view from the Washington Monument up the mall towards the Capital Bldg. Can you see all the kites?
This is the White House in case you didn't recognize it.

i've always wanted to visit washington dc and i've always wanted to visit during spring when the blossoms are blooming. looks like we won't be able to do it this year but i hope we will next. and i finally get to see a pic of you--yeah! you have the same gorgeous smile as your sister.
There is definitely a Montse resemblance--very cute!
I love your pictures. They take me down memory lane. We used to take temple trips to D.C. every Spring.
Great pics, Ness. I was telling Mom when she was here that I wanted to take Joseph and the girls to visit you and all the sites in D.C. before you move. How many more years do you have?
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