The disinegration of my mind
So when 5/6 of your conversation is with toddlers 3 and under I've discovered your mind tends to think on that level. Yesterday I decided to check in on some college friends with their blog. Erin is truly one of the more intelligent women on this earth and she and Michael continue to expand their intellect as they progress. Erin plays the violin and has continued to do that (very well I'd imagine). Anyway, they had a link to Dave's site. Now Dave was one of the first people I met at the Foreign Language housing at BYU. He was also in the Spanish house as I was and he was one of the more brilliant men I've ever know. He also challenged me to expand my horizons. He was involved in building/repairing an orphanage down in Mexico and challenged me with helping that organization. I was at the time going through the education program at BYU so it seemed a good thing to do. Unfortunately, I was scared and intimidated with the thought of leaving the country and didn't feel my Spanish was worth a snit so I didn't participate (I now regret that opportunity). The last I heard from Dave he was on his way to the East Coast ready to study anthropology or something amazingly facinating like that. It was fun to look at his site and realize why I enjoyed hanging out with these people in college. They are rather facinating individuals to lurk about thier blogs and read about their lives. I finally posted on Dave's because I was having so much fun with vocab lists he does. Anyway, if you have a chance go peruse both of their sites. They are fun and interesting. :-)
Thanks for the links to these cool blogs, nestle. You must have been in the Spanish house a few years after I was. J and I first met in the foreign language complex parking lot August 27, 1993. That's such a fun place.
Wow! really?! I was there in '97. I loved it! Most of my college friends that I still have today are from there. I love that place. It really was a unique experience.
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