Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I wish I could quit you.

For those not accustamed to Brokeback jokes the above line is from that movie. No I haven't watched it but there are a zillion brokeback jokes going around Georgetown campus right now. So this quote ran through my head this morning at 8:30 when I'm hearing weird and funny sounds from the hall outside our apt. Ummm I wasn't expecting anyone for another 45 minutes. I hadn't picked up the house yet. Yes it was a disaster area and in walks T and dad. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!!! This kid is NEVER going to go away! Utter horror was on dad's face when I told him my last week was well, last week. Horror on my face thinking that this kid had nowhere to go for the day. Horror thinking that I was going to have 5 toddlers 4 of them under 26 months and an 8month old ALL DAY LONG!!! ARGHHHHHH ..... Insert every aweful thing you can think of and you have what ran through my brain. ugh. Yes it's been a fun day. Kids are actually being really good today. I'm sane and well we're doing good. I might not be that way at 7pm tonight when they all leave but hey, one hour at a time. They are taking naps right now. yipee!! hahahhahahahaha I think I'm nuts.


At 3/15/2006 12:29:00 AM, Blogger Montserrat said...

Did he really forget last week was your last week with T or did they just forget to find someone new to babysit?

At 3/15/2006 08:33:00 AM, Blogger Vanessa and Rebecca said...

It turns out we both didn't realize that the week of the 20th was next week. That was the week her mother was going to be able to take him. They realized it earlier than I did and brought him over without bothering to share the info. Oh well. Guess it was my mistake. sigh. Although I want to know why she had a super extensive goodbye last tuesday....


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