Monday, March 20, 2006

what do you do?

"Special Doggie movie, mommy. Special Doggie movie. Please?" said with really really cute faces accompanied by hugs and kisses. Softie here puts Lady and the Tramp on. I can't resist their cute little faces. They love this movie! In a moment of weekness I used some money I've been setting aside to get the new dvd. We were getting a charger for the camera (caualty of the trip) and in the check out line there was Megan staring at the video. She didn't ask or say anything she just kept looking.... like the little match girl looking in the windows at christmas time. yep that's my daughter. She knows better than to ask for things because we can't afford them and the answer is always no. Kev and I looked at each other and picked it up for her. We couldn't help it. She was so sweet about it and she is always so good about things. She's sitting here next to me watching. So anytime family calls and they are watching Lady they will know I've been suckered with the cute faces, bambie eyes and pleading voices.


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