Wednesday, March 15, 2006

And don't come back!!

So T threw the biggest fit today because he wanted the telephone. In my home when kids throw fits they go to the "cry room" until they settle down. When they finish crying they can let themselves out. If they come out and are still crying then mommy puts them into timeout where she decides how long they are in time out (usually 1 minute for every year of life). Anyway, T threw a fit and got sent to the cry room. When he came out again he saw the phone again (up high on the shelf) and started crying again. So he got put into mommy timeout... right as his own mom showed up. She was shocked because she's never heard him cry like that... Oh please I've heard him do it with her standing there. Anyway the comment was made "I'm not pleased how this week has wound down. I'll be trying to make other arrangements for tomorrow instead of bringing him here. " All I did was look at her and say "OK". She couldn't make eye contact or anything. Funny thing. later that evening. I went to enrichment. She called while I was out. Kev said all she said was "Husband is taking the morning off and I'm taking the afternoon so T will not be coming tomorrow. We will drop off a check later during the weekend." then she hung up. Oh well. sianara


At 3/16/2006 10:12:00 PM, Blogger Vanessa and Rebecca said...

Oh don't get me wrong I'm jumping for joy that he's gone. Seriously, we did a little happy dance. It just left a bitter taste in the mouth because this lady is somewhat crazy

At 3/17/2006 01:46:00 PM, Blogger andalucy said...

That really bugs me that she said those things.

btw, I'm anxious to see those pictures of you with the new haircut.


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