Thursday, March 02, 2006


Bad, I know but I sure like them. They make me giggle when you find someone that fits the complete stereotype. Yesterday I ran into one. I laughed and laughed and laughed. In my family (Kev and I) we LOVE stereotypes. We laugh at each other and call each other "beaner" (me, I'm Mexican) and "cracker" (kev is white as white can be, when he grows out his beard it's red). Sometimes he calls me a "bean burrito with sour cream" (my dad's really white and my mom's Mexican). Anyway I was thinking about Spencer's baby blessing the other day (he was sleeping and I was thinking about how big he was getting). Anyway the men who blessed him ran the full colors of the rainbow so to speak. We had the white whitey to the blackest of black (Maurice my black "brother") and every shade in between (ranging from Mexicans to some blond friends). Anyway, back to stereotypes, when I think of Mexicans I most often think of 2 things. 1) the hard working immigrants who are worn, yet jolly and always happy (my grandparents) and 2) the lazy crime ridden neighborhoods of downtown Phoenix where I taught. Most of these parents that I dealt with in these neighborhoods were parts of gangs and sold drugs or were coyotes (men who ran illegal immigrants up for fees). When I think of African-American I think of 3 things 1) a normal looking guy, well dressed, concerned with appearances funny and easy going (aka Maurice and Derrick). 2) poverty ridden "projects", which I saw often growing up with slouching panted men and boys talking eubonics and staring at you because you were "white" in a "black neighborhood". and 3) successful articulate women like Condi Rice. Anyway What do you think of when you think of Jew? I'm not meaning to be offensive at all. I'm just asking what comes to mind. To me I think wealthy, successful, well dressed, huge nose, longer than normal business man hair, curly. I also think in cadence sentences (How are you. How very nice.... Everything with a 3 beat sentence). Mazoltov! I also think of little things like same sided hand shake (you shake your right hand with their left, can't picture it think of getting out of the car and someone helping you out). Anyway I had a laugh yesterday because T's grandfather picked him up yesterday and he met the complete profile, same sided shake and everything. It was awesome!!!! It made me giggle because you can see the Jewish culture oozing from this man. Again it was just a sterotype... bad and yet stinking funny. Since I am talking about race I shall part with these 2 jokes, one of my favorites because it just made me laugh everytime I heard it no matter because of how unPC it is. **** I can only tell this joke because Maurice told it to me first, he's black and laughed his head off at it, I wouldn't tell it otherwise**** Joke #1 There was a family flying on an airplane when the captain came on the intercom and said the plane is going down. We need to lose some weight so that we can even out the plane. We are going to get rid of all the extra baggage and seats. Well that didn't work so the pilot came back on the plane and said "That didn't work so we are going to go in alphabetical order and have people jump according to where they fall in the alphabet. On that note will all the African - Americans jump off the plane." Well the little boy in the family looked at his dad and when his dad didn't move just kind of sat there will a perplexed look on his face. Captain came back on the intercom "Will all the Black people please jump off the plane." Again the little boy looked at his father but his dad didn't move. "Will all the colored folk please jump off the plane" At this point the little boy asked his dad "Dad aren't we all of those things?" The dad replied "Not today son today we are n****** so we jump after the Mexicans". Joke #2 There was a Mexican trying to cross the border when he was stopped by the border patrol. The border patrol told the Mexican he would only let him pass if he could use 3 words in a sentence. The words were Yellow, Pink and Green. The Mexican looked at the border patrol and said "That's easy. The telephone goes green green so I pink it up and say yellow." hahahhahahahhahahahhahaha. Sad, I'm laughing in an empty room to myself, but I'm still laughing. Hee hee


At 3/02/2006 03:22:00 PM, Blogger athena said...

aw, see how much fun we can have on our own! it's not that bad is it! haha. thanks for the laugh.

At 3/02/2006 04:59:00 PM, Blogger Vanessa and Rebecca said...

As long as it's your own family that you're laughing at or close friends I don't see a problem with it. As long as it's not derogatory. hee hee

At 3/02/2006 04:59:00 PM, Blogger Montserrat said...

Is it bad to admit these are some of my favorite jokes? Good ol' Maurice!


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