Wednesday, February 01, 2006

ahhh the controversial

I read a post today on natural birth. Now honestly I must say that anyone that does it that way on purpose is insane. Literally insane. Why in the world would you subject yourself to pain in that fashion when you don't have to? Will the baby remember it? Probably not. Will you remember it.... um yep and hope not to ever again. So my question is why? I had c- sections both times. The first with Megan was unexpected so don't think that it was a "planned" thing because I didn't want to go into labor or something like that it was a my placenta was starting to break down, she was overdue and huge, my uterus is inverted and my pelvic bone is too shallow thing. So I had c-sections. Anyway, first time was the scariest thing ever (but I can imagine going into labor for the first time is pretty scary too) however once in the OR they gave me valume (sp?), let's just say I was a happy camper, a very happy camper. Megan came out got cleaned up and then spent the rest of the time with me. Not a problem. Other than some pain with recovering I was happy and ready to go. Megan was adorable I had instant bonding with her and it was wonderful. Spencer's c-section was even better. I actually walked into the OR this time. I literally had NO PAIN whatsoever, even during recovery. I was able to hold Spence right after and then after they gave him his bath. Again it was awesome. He was right by me the whole time. I literally had no pain after that. None. No, I just had surgery pain at all. It was great. So I had some wonderful experiences I totally bonded with my kids and I had no pain. I would even venture to say that it was better than anyone else could have had. I really really enjoyed the experience. My question now is WHY in the heck would you want to go through that much pain if you can have the same outcome without it? My thinking is the Lord inspired people to invent pain meds for a reason. Why in the world wouldn't we use them. For my birthing plan that I had to give the hospital before we found out about needing a c-section I said "Give me the drip!" I think pain meds are a good thing, very good thing. So again, why in the world?...


At 2/01/2006 12:56:00 PM, Blogger Montserrat said...

What exactly do you mean by natural birth? My way: go into the hospital and have the baby there with pain meds if needed, or my SIL's way: at home (or in the car, oops!) with no pain meds whatsoever and only the midwife (or not when she had the baby in the car) to help?

I must say I have been lucky, especially with the last three to have very little pain and short labors. (We're talking less than three hours from when my water broke, then contractions starting, and having the baby). And when that baby is born there is no more pain involved at all. That's what keeps me pushing, I know that pain relief is almost here.

Rose, another SIL, had her first "naturally", and the others had to come C-section. She said for her it was a toss-up as to which was best. Pain before the baby is born but none after, or pain after the baby is born trying to recover from the surgery. Recovering from surgery definitely took longer and was harder to cope with because she had other children to take care of, but lots of help from family.

Oh, and, the baby stays with you the whole time no matter how you have it, unless there's something wrong and they have to whisk it away for intense treatment.

At 2/01/2006 01:39:00 PM, Blogger andalucy said...

I only had an epidural for my first, and I hated it. It made me vomit.

At 2/01/2006 05:07:00 PM, Blogger athena said...

I was all into natural birth before our first child. Come time to have the baby though, I was O-U-T out of there! I had natural births for the next two but was glad to be in a hospital to have them. I do take my hat off though to those who choose to have their babies at home, but its just not for me.

At 2/01/2006 07:03:00 PM, Blogger Vanessa and Rebecca said...

YIKES!!! is all I can say. Admiration for taking pain. yes. Yikes... not me. I have a fear of pain.


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