Solitary Confinement
I've discovered how much a blessing Sundays are to me. Kev has decided that he will not study on Sundays (yipee!). He wasn't raised doing this so when we got married and I mentioned it to him he liked the idea (not that he studied much during undergrad to begin with. He's one of those really sick smart people who don't need to study while graduating in bio-chem. yep sick). So moving on to medical school it was a big step for him to 1. learn how to study and 2. not do it on Sunday. He had made the decision before with the thought process that if he's going to do what Heavenly Father wants him to (aka keep the Sabbath Holy) he needed to not do what he normally does on the other days to set the day apart, Heavenly Father would help him to keep up with the class and do well. So it's worked. Kev, right now is taking 35 credit hours. The schedule they've given him of what he is supposed to study is Sunday -Saturday 5am - 9pm. Most single people do study that much. Kevin is going from 7:30 am -1am at night with Sundays off. Sundays are family days. Those are the days where he breathes as does the rest of the family. Those are the days that both he and I get to come out of solitary confinement. I'm supporting Kev and the fam right now by earning money to keep the dream alive. I work 11 hour days with an average of 5 toddlers, Megan being the oldest, she turned 3, three weeks ago. Because I take care of so many I cannot go to others houses, go to play dates, I always have someone sleeping so friends with their children coming over is out of the question (the kids tend to go crazy when I'm not focused on them) so except for my blogs that I read, communications from emails and occational phone calls from mothers (& in-law), Jeanie and Shelyn I feel I'm in solitary confinement many times. I think Kev, feels that he is too because of the immense load that he has to bear with the balancing act of school and family. Did I mention how much I love Sundays? This is they day we get Kevin all to ourselves (sort of other than church callings). This is the day when he and I talk, the day he wrestles with the kids without feeling guilty about his studies, the day that we truly get to have family time. This is the day where we get to cuddle and he plays with my hair (yes I know, but man it sure makes a woman swoon). I was just thinking about this as I sit on the couch, after cleaning the house getting it ready for tomorrow's mad rush of children (I have 6 tomorrow starting at 8:30am) and listen to Kevin sitting at his desk, rustling though his books trying to keep up on his studies (at this point he's said there's no way to keep up, he has to guess what would be most beneficial to study because there's no way he'd be able to cover it all). I can't wait for Sunday... is it really only Monday? Funny how spoiled I get with one day. I'm getting selfish. I need a 3 day weekend. Isn't there one soon? Enter Solitary confinement, I'm going to bed to wake up at 1/1:30 when Kev comes to bed. Poor thing, I thought I had it rough, you can only imagine what he's going through, he's got the short end of the stick, at least I have time to talk to people after 8pm, him not so much. Good man, hard worker, glad I married him.
** hard part's not even here yet. I hear rotations, intership and residency are worse. Then he won't come home at all, not even on Sundays. Girl in ward said that her hubby worked 18 hour days while on rotations 7 days a week. No hours limitations for med students only residents... hospitals take advantage of that. whew!! Suck it up ness, only 7 and 1/2 more years to go!!! yes! countdown begins....
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