The early bird catches the worm...
and gets to play rooster. My son is the inevitable rooster. He has to be the first one up and then tries every possible means to wake everyone else up in the house. This morning he was up at 6am and proceeded to run his bus (singing the wheels on the bus the whole time) against everyone's closed doors. And that was only the beginning. We then moved on to dumping out all the blocks and throwing them at walls, taking a very noisy telephone on a chord around the house slamming doors etc. All in an effort to get everyone up. We however have discovered he will do this to get you up so that he can cry at you the rest of the morning because he's tired. Yep, we've decided we are just going to stay in bed from now on when he wakes up (with pillows over our heads). I've even taken to setting out a sippy cup of water and a bowl of dry cereal out the night before so that he has one less ammunition against me in the mornings. Bad mommy.
Sara's our early bird. She'd usually just go sit on the couch and look at books though. Maybe you could use a timer on your VCR to start a movie for him to watch or something.
Umm so after perfoming surgery on the VCR we found 6 puzzle pieces and 3 crayons... and it still doesn't work. Besides I used to just turn it on for them and go back to bed. spence ended up waking up earlier because he wanted to watch a movie... defeating the purpose. So unless it's saturday or I'm super tired we suffer through the noise.
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