Monday, February 13, 2006

Sunday activities

I don't remember where the conversation happened or even if it was a comment at church but Kev and I were talking about Sunday activities. There was a church leader (I actually think the conversation happened with Kev and someone) about how some people had criticized him for playing basketball with his son on Sunday. When questioned about it he said he wasn't able to spend a lot of time with his sone and Sundays were his only day. While they would play basketball the man had an opportunity to talk to his son. It was his only time to truely talk about what was going on in his son's life and to spend quality time with him. The man said that it was a decision he had made in order to spend that "talking time" with a son who so desperately needed his time and love. Going along that route, Kev and I decided that even if we go outside and play Sundays were going to be the days... at least for a little while... where we can recharge our family batteries. This happened yesterday. It was so much fun. Church was cancelled due to the snow and well... here is what happened the rest of the day. It's interesting to note that the kids have been calmer, less prone to cry and fuss because we spent the time out of the house with dad.


At 2/13/2006 05:41:00 PM, Blogger Montserrat said...

Looks like you all had a great time! Love the hat on the snowman. I think enjoying God's creations with your family is a great way to spend the Sabbath.

At 2/13/2006 11:47:00 PM, Blogger athena said...

amen to both responses. :) looks like the children were well enough to enjoy a day out too. good good! :)


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