Thursday, February 02, 2006

In the eye of the beholder

Beauty. Some fear it, some gravitate towards it, other repel away from it but regardless of what we deem beauty is it is definitely a personal preference. To be the most beautiful thing in the world is to see my Megan teaching Spencer how to sing a new primary song. She was the one to teach him "I am a Child of God", "Teach me to Walk in the Light" and last night she was teaching him "Nephi's Courage". I just sat there on the couch listening to her teach him this song. She does it at night as they lay in their beds waiting for sleep to come. I hear these two little voices singing away. After a rough day it's exactly what I need to hear so that I can say "I'm ok for another day". Another beautiful/funny/tragic sight I had yesterday was I came into the room because I heard Spencer saying "TADAM!" over and over again. I came to see what he was doing. Good thing too, he was standing on the table dancing. Yep the kitchen table. I quickly got him down said "no no" went into the other room and died laughing. It was soooooo funny to see him do that. Unfortunately if I let him get away with it he'll be jumping off it next. Not good. Man I sure have fun with that kid.


At 2/03/2006 02:19:00 PM, Blogger Montserrat said...

It's hard to discipline when the kids are being so darn cute, especially when you have those sweet, big, blue eyes of Spencer looking at you. What a sweetheart he is! Megan is such a darling. Make sure you tape record them or something, that'd make a good DVD.


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