Wednesday, February 08, 2006

an ode to veggies

veggies veggies are so great, a great abundance I just ate. They made me quite so full, I love them I do, and that's no bull... Ok that's the end of my ode. However, I must say that steamed veggies are my all time favorite food. I discovered recently... at least I think I discovered I haven't talked about it with the DR., that I do not feel hungry. I noticed this a few years back when I was sitting with Kev (6'1" 210lbs) and I ate more than he did. A lot more than he did. AND I still felt hungry. This was an all the time thing. More than slightly concerning considering I've heard of these people that have the same thing and just eat themselves to death. Anywho, I've been keeping an eye on it and I really try to watch how much I'm eating however usually I'll lose track of how much I've eaten and keep eating.... sigh those thighs (HA! another rhyme). Anywho I digress. Back to veggies and my post. I don't ever feel full. The only way I realize that my stomach is full is that it actually hurts. The OOWWWWW stretchy feeling in the stomach, pressing against the lungs type of hurt. However, I've discovered that when I eat veggies (which is often a complete meal for me) I hurt a lot sooner than if I ate oh, mac and cheese, pork and carrots, or any type of noodle. Which brings me to my present stomach ache. I just ate half a pot of veggies (normandy mix, yummy). I think I hurt myself this time. Oww. At least I've figured out a way to lose those extra inches. I'll just eat veggies so that when I realize that I've way overeaten I'll be able to say "at least it was veggies, without butter, just salt" mmmmm........ owwwwww going now (I had to end on a rhyme however bad it was.)


At 2/09/2006 03:29:00 AM, Blogger athena said...

i use to be able to eat quite abit but my stomach these days lets me know when enough is enough. if i don't listen to it then it gets very uncomfortable--i will get the feeling that my stomach is about to explode. very VERY uncomfortable.

At 2/09/2006 11:12:00 AM, Blogger andalucy said...

I've noticed that when I eat lots of veggies with a meal I don't feel hungry as soon afterwards. But I'm not so much a fan of steamed. I like veggies grilled, sauteed, or in soup or salad. I wish I loved them steamed!

At 2/09/2006 06:36:00 PM, Blogger Montserrat said...

I love veggies raw. But I've found if I eat too many they seem to have the same effect as beans. . .as my daughters say at the table, "Please pass the natural gas." :-D


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