So I tend 3 other children other than my own in my home to earn the money to support our family. I have a 2 year old (E), a 15 month old (T) and a 6 month old (S). My schedule runs like this.
M-F 9:30-6:45 I have E
T, Th, F 8:15-4:45 I have T
M-F 3 hours a day I have S
This is on top my 2, Megan who is 3 and Spencer who is 21 months old.
Yep I have a houseful of todders.
So I started watching T about 4 months ago. Since then I think he has come a total of 4 days without a snotty nose. This kid is perpetually sick. We've (Kev and I) have started to call him peetry dish (sad I know but he is bringing some weird stuff into the house). Anyway none of us ever get sick until T has come at least 2 days with a really bad nose. Then all of a sudden, everyone is sick. Common denomenator, T is bringing the illness into the house.
OK so the rules that I've established in the house as far as bringing sick children is, don't, unless everyone already has it. Usually everyone will get sick on the same day. E, Spence, Megan and I usually wake up with some funky virus on the same day. E's mom will call or I'll call her and we confer to see if it's the same thing. Usually S has the exact same thing on the exact same day (usually 2 days after T has come sick). The annoying part is that T's parents won't tell me his's ill. I'll just notice it after they've dropped him off, or after his nap. He usually goes down for a nap an hour to an hour and a half after he gets here. So he wakes up with snot running everywhere, sneezing and coughing. I used to think it was just allergies to something in the bedroom until i remember that everyone continually gets sick right after he does (he is also the only child whose parents take him to the park regardless of freezing or inclement weather).
Anywho, S still hasn't kicked the last cough that T brought into the house and S's mom is kind of annoyed at T's mom for bringing him without warning, because by the time I notice if he's ill or not it's already too late, he's contaminated everyone.... we have a small house.
Anyway on Thursday I was so completely floored by the following conversation.
T's mom: Umm, did T have a runny nose today?
Me: Yes, he ran a lot. We need more tissues by the way
T's mom: How often do you let E come sick? I've noticed that he's had some pretty gross noses while I've been here.
Me: The only time I've let E come sick is when everyone else has been sick and that's usually a couple of days after T.
T's mom: Well I'm just wondering because T is constantly sick and he must be getting it from here.
Me (with a death look on my face, thinking "don't you dare blame this on E man"): The only time people have been sick in this house is when T has brought it here, We've been sick 3 times this winter, all after T has come with "a little bit of a runny nose" to daycare. (bytheway these illnesses usually last a couple of weeks a piece, yep they are monster bugs)
T's mom: Are you sure?
Me: um yep I'm pretty sure. S's mom has noticed the same thing I have. We'll all get better from one sickness and 4/5 days later T will come with another runny nose and without fail 2-4 days later EVERYONE is sick again.
Needless to say I was more than slightly annoyed at the audacity of it all, until realizing that they are first time parents who are downright oblivious to their child's clues and careless as to what a small illness can do to a baby. Poor S has a really bad cough. I think she was also really embarrased about the whole conversations. I don't want to ban anyone from coming if it is just a runny nose because well hey, it's winter and everyone has the sniffles. Unfortuantly to T's parents a "simple runny nose" has consistantly developed into something bigger.
Well true to form T came ill on Thursday and Spencer woke up very early this fine Saturday morning with a very runny nose, sneezing and coughing. Sigh here we go for another round. He kept running so I gave him some cold medicine around 10am. Around 11:45 I was laying down on the couch trying to catch some zzzzz while the kids watched Dora. Spencer came and said "Hold you" and climbed up on me. He was immediately asleep. Now I know he's really sick because he never goes to sleep without a fight. Poor thing. Here's the pict. Kevin took of Spence and me. Yes I am still in my PJs, without a shower.... and yes Spencer is wearing his new tennis shoes over his pjs....
I would be annoyed too. Tell T's mom to stay home and look after her own sick child--it's not only unfair to you, but also your children. I would be fuming. Sigh--look at your darling son.
I've been extreamly upset. I'm afraid I won't be able to watch kids next week due to the fact that my head is killing me. My throat is hashed and I feel terrible. And I know what's going on. These poor kids don't know what's happening. Not only that, it's lost income... needed income. We'll see how I am tomorrow night.
you'll probably be loosing ground in the money department from doctor visits (although you could probably get that for free seeing that your husband is a doctor) and medicine purchases. if T's mother hadn't reacted the way she did about her son's illness--as in blaming it on another's child--i might be more forgiving, but i'm in your camp here.
This is such a sweet picture! Spencer is a cherub!
Hope you're feeling better soon, Ness. The line needs to be drawn somewhere with T. For me personally, that line would have been crossed a long time ago. Maybe you're more patient than I am. :-D
need the money... sigh. Also I think a lot of the times they sincerely didn't know he was sick. You see he cries.... A LOT ... and if you can't recognize his cries, which honestly I don't think they can differentiate a fit from a hurt to a hungry cry... they wouldn't be able to notice that he's sick. And because when he gets here he immediately eats they play for about 15-30 minutes and he's ready for a nap (oh yeah they don't think he's ready for a nap unless he's full on crying uncontrollably... about 12:30... despite the yawning, the eye rubbing, the whining.... hey he's not full on crying he must not be tired) Only after his nap does he really show how ill he is and by then it's about 1 hour until his mother picks him up. They are really just kind of clueless and it's not T's fault. He really is a good kid but imagine if you didn't feel good and couldn't tell anyone... that would stink. Poor kid. I just get upset at his parents for being so ignorant. I mean seriously figure it out! It's not hard.
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