Thursday, May 04, 2006

Rotations Schedule

So we got our rotations schedule today. This will be a good schedule for us, especially in that Kevin wants to 1. specialize in something with Pediatrics or 2. Surgery (ent for kids...) Anywho for choosing your rotations and residency there were several things to consider so hopefully this isn't too confusing... although we're in it and we were confused. 1. What you want to end up doing DO NOT do first or last. 2. If you want to do something with pediatrics do internal medicine first that way you'll have a good background going into it so you can really shine on your rotation. 3. If you are interested in Surgery at all do Peds/OB first so you have exposure to the OR so you shine.... There are a whole lot of other things to consider, more specifically the timing. Now a days in order to really get the residency that you want you need to do either a) research *being published and/or b) externships to the places you want to go. Externships are rotations at other universities. So we GOT A GREAT SCHEDULE FOR ROTATIONS!!! This is the order we will be doing it. 1. Medicine (July 6 - Sept 24) 2. OB/Peds (Sept 25 - Dec 15) 3. Gen Surgery/Surgery Specialites (Janu 3 - Mar 25) 4. Neruology/Anethesia/Family Medicine/Psychology (Mar 26 - June 15) This is soooooo exciting. I have no idea how Kevin is handling the excitement... especially since he has 8 hours of class today and 5 more finals to go by next Friday. But here's the biggie WE HAVE ONE MORE WEEK OF MEDICAL SCHOOL CLASSES THEN WE ARE DONE! AFTER THAT IT IS ROTATIONS. NO CLASSES! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! We are trying to decide what we are going to do on May 12. We are so going to go party. Can you believe we made it! This is a riot. I can't believe we are half way done. Crazy


At 5/04/2006 10:02:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really love how you say "we" because it really is a joint effort isn't it.


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