Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Healthy battle

So we are trying to be healthy. Period that's it. Weight loss is good but not necessarily of major priority. I've pretty much been the same weight since I was ummm 13? Yep fun stuff. Exercise or not diet or not I just don't lose weight. Muscle however is a different matter, size, different matter entirely. Within that same weight I have gone from a size 10 at age 13 to a size 8 in college to a size 4, 5 years ago (having gardia helped with that one) to right now having a size 8 be baggy on me. For all the men reading you can just ignore the sizing things because they wont' make any sense to you. Anywhoo. So the attempt to be healthy. I've been exercising lately... sort of. I tend to come up with excuses. I don't' want to be inside, I've got three kids and no way to transport them, I'm too tired in the morning, I'm completely exhausted at night. I need better shoes if I'm going to go walking in the morning before the kids get up.... you get the picture. Then I came up with this brilliant plan to go walking after the kids are up before my others get here. Then the ultimate excuse I need a double jogger. I have a double stroller but Spence's legs are soooo long that he finds it funny to put his legs down and stop the stroller in it's tracks. Um after 100 feet and him doing it 10 times... not cool. Anywhoo so I have decided I'm saving my splurge money. This is the money not part of the salary deal that I earn on the side. We have a waiting list of things to buy with this money (vacation, bike for kev then.... double stroller). So I've decided that I am sooooo saving for this one or this one This is after great debate and research. Look and drool for those of you that need a double stroller. Hee hee. (I must say I'll probably end up getting the $170 one from target but it's fun to dream) The reviews on the valco one say that you can buy an attachment for a third seat without having a triple stroller which I haven't seen pictures of so I'm still looking. The city series of babyjogger got incredible reviews and babyjogger brand is we reknowned... Yeah for target. Ahhh dreaming....


At 5/03/2006 04:39:00 PM, Blogger Montserrat said...

Must be in the genes. After hitting the magical age of 21 Dad warned me "The Latino blood will come out and it's much harder to lose weight." He was right on the money. I'm just glad it comes off after having a baby but never goes lower no matter what I do. I'm with you on the size issue though. I exercise because muscle takes up less room than fat so even if I weigh the same I can fit into smaller sizes and look better to boot.


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