Friday, September 29, 2006

lunch box politicking

Ahhhhhh packing a lunch. "mommy I want strawberry shortcake yogurt for lunch". Really? hmmm Where would I get Strawberry Shortcake yogurt? "At the Store". Hahaha if only it was that simple. I have no problems buying her this said yogurt. Mostly due to the fact that I'm already buying them yogurt and the character yogurts are not any more expensive. So a trip to the store we go (no not just for yogurt, we were out of milk too). No SSY there, nor at the other store we went to the next day. We did find Dora yogurt however it's not the same. Oh well she'll have to live with it. :-) She's adjusting to the exhausting pace of school and loving it. She'll come home chat about school then say "OK no more talking about school" and no matter how I try to word questions to try to sneak info out of her she's a smart cookie, looks at me and says "mommy no more talking about school." This includes, friends, food, play and work at school.


At 9/29/2006 01:32:00 PM, Blogger andalucy said...

Cute! My son is that way too regarding talking about school. He is in first grade. When he gets off the bus I ask him, "What did you do today?" He wouldn't tell me much the first couple weeks, and then a few days ago he sighed at my question and said, "Mom, do I have to tell you everything? Because lots of stuff happened at school and it would make me SO TIRED to tell it all!" So now I ask him to tell me 3 things that he did at school, lol.


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