The Spooky Old Tree
If any of you don't have "The Spooky Old Tree" by Stan and Jan Berenstain for your toddlers get it. Seriously this is my kids FAVORITE book. They love when I read it fast. They are sooo cute because they all have it memorized and they all read it when I break it out. It's fun because they like reading it to eachother too (these are 2 and 3 year olds). I love it because they absolutely love the book. We've already worn out the library's copy. Melissa and Jon gave Spencer a copy for his birthday and it's allready getting pretty worn. Just in case you've forgotten (yes you will all remember this book, it was one that Kevin and I remembered reading and loving when we were little). Three little bears One with a light, one with a stick, one with a rope. A spooky old tree. Do they dare go into that spooky old tree? Yes they dare. Three little bears One with a light, one with a stick, one with a rope. A twisty old stair. Do they dare go up that twisty old stair? Yes they dare! Three little bears One with a light, one with a stick, and one with the shivers! A giant key, a moving wall Will the three little bears go through that wall? Do they dare go into that spooky old hall? Yes they dare! Three little bears One with a light and two with the shivers! Great Sleeping bear! Do they dare go over Great Sleeping Bear? Well, they came into the treee, the climbed the stair, they went into the wall, and through the hall, so of course they went over Great Sleeping Bear! Three little bears, without a light, without a stick, without a rope and all with the shivers. Oh, NO! How will they get out of there? Up a ladder ,through the floor, down a slide and out a door! Run, Run, running fast, Home again safe at last.
hehe. our kids use to love this story too.
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