Tuesday, May 23, 2006

3 little pigs meet the wicked witch of the west

So I set up my oscilating sprinkler today to water my garden. This is the sprlinker we all grew up with that goes back and forth in an arc. Well the kids (3 little pigs) were in the play house and were screaming and laughing that it was "raining". Well when they thought it was all clear they came out of the house just in time for the arc to come back and hit them, soaking them. They giggled and laughed pushing and running back to the house. Picture this for the next 45 minutes for every arc of the sprinkler. The funny part was they couldn't understand why the "rain" stopped and they came to get them. Finally Megan and Spencer figured it out and were running back and forth in the "rain" having a grand old time. Poor little E though thought it was some sort of water torture. He didn't have the reaction time to run out of the house and the arc in time without getting wet. The poor thing was quite distraut because he kept getting hit with the water when he stuck his head out the door. He even tried to see out the little window to try to see if it was all clear and got the water right in his little face. Each time I tried to help him out he didn't do so hot so we kind of let him adjust to the water. The other little ones were just like "E, run now now!" I was running into the water to grab him in between arcs only to have him run back into the house when I put him down in the clear. Needless to say we were laughing hystarically the whole time.


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