Thought this was interesting
I read this post a couple of weeks ago from MoMommy. I'm posting it here to make for easier reading. I then read from Jon's post the following. I recommend reading and watching the linked video. It's pretty interesting. MoMommy said: Mommy brain Let's say you have a small child, 3-5ish in age. What happens if they want something and you say no? Sometimes they throw a fit, right? When your child starts throwing a fit, do you give in just to make them be quiet, or keep them happy. Most likely not, because that leads to much bigger problems down the road. So let's just say that you tell your child no, they start having a hissy fit, and then decide to throw things at you. THEN are you going to give them what they want, just to get them to calm down? Uh, no. In fact, that leads to a much harsher punishment in our house than just pitching a fit would get. Does anyone here really think that giving in just to keep someone happy (appeasement) really works? Cause I have a 4 year old that leads me to believe it doesn't.And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how my mommy-life brain thinks of the current Israel/Lebanon conflict. I find that most things in the world can be compared to parenthood on some level, and this is no different. Except that the people involved here aren't 4, and they all know better. posted by Mo Mommy Jon posted this: Propaganda: Sifting the Truth from the Lies by J. Max Wilson I am not going to editorialize much here, but I did want to draw your attention to some disturbing material concerning manipulation of information coming out of the Middle East in the mainstream media. Of course every side in a conflict tries to spin the story in their own favor. But there is a point when spin crosses the line into outright lies. And often both sides lie as much as they think they can get away with. All of us have probably relatively innocently propagated falsehoods from the side we are more likely to trust. The larger problem, as I see it, is when the mainstream media is complicit in propagating information that they know is either incomplete, exaggerated, or outright false. First, read: Qana The Director’s Cut (WARNING: Contains Images of Dead Children) Then, watch the following disturbing video from The Second Draft entitled “Pallywood” (18 minutes long) : Now, with so many people lying, it is difficult to sift the truth. Perhaps the items above are themselves manipulations of the facts. If you have information that contradicts them, please let me know. But at first exposure, they appear pretty damning. UPDATE: Add the photoshopped photo from Reuters to the picture.
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