So have any of you ever had a couple of quasi panic attacks. I think the kind I'm talking about are the "during an emergency you are more than calm, you are efficient, excellent.. yadayada" but when you have a chance to realize what happened you start shaking and almost crying you are so panicky. I have only had this experience twice in my life. The first time was when Spencer was about 3 1/2 months old and we had just moved here. I had company over (our neighbors from above us) and Megan and their little girl were running around screaming. Spencer was sleeping in his crib in the back. He was a sound sleeper so I wasn't worried about him. I don't know why I decided to check on him for some reason (I had just put him down about 10 mintues before so this was unusual). I walked in to find my little guy on his stomach. The first time the kid decided to flip over on his stomach was when he was swaddled and couldn't hold himself up... of course he didn't do again for 5 more months but that's another matter. I went to pick him up and realized that his lips and face were blue. Luckily I had just gone through the whole child cpr thing that I knew what to do. He immediately started breathing and I held him up so we could get air moving again. OUr visitors immediately left. I was able to handle the situation, the kiddo pinked up immediately and we had no more worries. It was only after Kevin came home that I lost it. My baby was blue. The second time was yesterday. Lately we've had some of the drivers from the Toyota dealership right here tearing up our street. We live on a street labeled "no outlet" although there really is one. Anyway the drivers/porters have decided it's fun to peal out on the hill right here and zoom down our street. Ummm did I mention that I have 4 toddlers during the day. No no one ran out into the street. We were walking back from the library... up a huge hill and I tuckered out (I'll bet you would too pushing over 100lbs worth of baby in a 30lbs stroller). So on our usually quiet little street I had all the kids hold hands and we were walking literally the last 20 feet when a nice vehicle from the dealership came up the hill. Did I mention that we were crossing the street and the oldest child was 3? The guy stopped as I was attempting to usser the last 2 children onto our neighbor's yard BUT HE DIDN'T EVEN WAIT FOR US TO GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET. This jerk of a guy started weaving, yes weaving his car to try to get around the kids... in the middle of the street. Um lets just say 2 1/2 feet from a moving car is TOO LITTLE with 2 1/2 year olds. To make matters worse as soon as his back wheel got even with the last one in line the guy gunned the car and zoomed off. Toyota sure had one hot mamma on their hands. I was not happy. I called them and left a message. The lady though who called me back was equally as upset at what happened. I guess they've been telling them to stay off our road but have not had anything specific to tell them. Now she does. She may have been just molifying me but you know what I'm ok with that if it stops. Hopefully there won't be any more traffic on our street.
Wow! That sounds absolutely terrible; I can't believe people are so reckless. I'm glad you are all okay.
I had one of these experiences a few years ago (2002, I think). I was walking down the street in Nairobi, Kenya, and I foolishly was in an area where no one was around. I was heading for a pay phone to make a call before walking to church. Anyway, suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and started strangling me. I tried to fight back (probably foolishly, but I wasn't thinking deeply) but soon passed out.
After I awoke, I was a total mess. Every time I tried to talk I started crying. In the moment, totally cool. After, blubber blubber.
Anyway, I feel your pain.
OK, I think we were totally safe though. You almost got strangled? eek! Dave! Umm Yeah I pale in comparison. Wow.
Dave, that's really scary.
Nestle, I have special gestures reserved for people like that.
How scary! Glad everyone's okay.
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