Thursday, August 10, 2006

How far have people sunk?

So I was falling asleep last night. Kevin was on the computer when I heard him exclaim "What?! Stupid people!". Curious, mostly because Kevin usually doesn't talk aloud to himself I asked what was wrong. He told me he was reading this article that well.... Here are some exerpts. Seriously, how disgusting have people become. Is the need to win worth this? Are people just blinded and caulous? Apparently the answer is yes. Sick is all I can say. ERRRRRR! THIS MAKES ME MAD. ESPECIALLY SINCE I'VE GOT KIDS. ERRRRRR. Warning this article is not gross in the icky sort of way but it will make you mad and disgusted at some people's drive to win and relive thier fantasies by coaching little league. I'm posting the hook here. You can link to the rest of the article if you'd like. You make the call Is it good baseball strategy or a weak attempt to win? by Rick Reilly This actually happened. Your job is to decide whether it should have. In a nine- and 10-year-old PONY league championship game in Bountiful, Utah, the Yankees lead the Red Sox by one run. The Sox are up in the bottom of the last inning, two outs, a runner on third. At the plate is the Sox' best hitter, a kid named Jordan. On deck is the Sox' worst hitter, a kid named Romney. He's a scrawny cancer survivor who has to take human growth hormone and has a shunt in his brain. So, you're the coach: Do you intentionally walk the star hitter so you can face the kid who can barely swing? Wait! Before you answer.... This is a league where everybody gets to bat, there's a four-runs-per-inning max, and no stealing until the ball crosses the plate. On the other hand, the stands are packed and it is the title game. So ... do you pitch to the star or do you lay it all on the kid who's been through hell already? Here's the rest of the article.


At 8/10/2006 12:31:00 PM, Blogger hairyshoefairy said...

That's an interesting article. I have to agree with the author. It's a game for little kids that's about having fun. Period. Why do grown-ups so often have a hard time remembering that? I've heard stories like this before and it makes me angry. Thankfully I've never had to witness it in person. I'd definitely lose my cool. When my handicapped brother played YM basketball everyone in our stake all the coaches and players were really mindful of him and were very considerate. I know my family really appreciated it, and it made him feel so good about himself. Despite what happened to Romney, I think his response was great.

At 8/11/2006 06:55:00 AM, Blogger Vanessa and Rebecca said...

I was so irrate when I read it. Mostly because I know several men who forget it's about the kids and FUN. I have yet to meet any women like that although I'm sure they exist.

At 8/11/2006 11:33:00 AM, Blogger hairyshoefairy said...

Sadly, I'm afraid I know the Yankees coach. If he is who I think he is he used to live by me. It sounds like him.


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